„Basics of metering systems, flow computers and instrument validation software”: new webinar series for the Oil&Gas industry

  • 8 webinars on basic topics from June 19 to July 3, hosted by PHOENIX CONTACT and KROHNE

Duisburg, June 18, 2020: From June 19 to July 3, PHOENIX CONTACT and KROHNE present the webinar series “Basics of metering systems, flow computers and instrument validation software”. It is aimed at planners, engineers and operators in the oil and gas industry.

In a series of 8 webinars hosted by the KROHNE Academy online, the basics behind (custody transfer) metering systems and associated processes such as flow computing, proving and master metering will be outlined. Furthermore, wet gas wellhead measurement and instrument validation software processes will be explained.

More information on the webinars can be found here: https://krohne.link/17eou Participation is free of charge.

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KROHNE es un proveedor integral de tecnología para la medida de caudal, caudal másico, nivel, presión y temperatura, así como tareas analíticas. Compañía fundada en 1921 y que tiene su sede principal en Duisburg, Alemania, posee una plantilla de 4.000 empleados repartidos por todo el mundo y está presente en todos los continentes. KROHNE apuesta por la innovación y la máxima calidad en sus productos, y es uno de los líderes en el mercado de la tecnología de medida de procesos industriales.

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